Tuesday, October 26, 2010

HUCK Redesign

Project II for Digital Page- redesign a magazine's cover (including logo), spine, contents page, and the feature spread. I chose Huck magazine, a surf/skate/snow culture magazine published in the UK, and got to learn a little more about Spike Jonze.

Making G's

My first Drawing for Design (draw230) project this quarter was to design two letterforms (uppercase and lowercase) based on the golden proportions with a certain period of art in mind. I made G's based on Optical Art. They're done by hand- yes, I'm insane- in micron pen.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Last night, Chuck Anderson from No Pattern Design came to do a lecture at SCAD . I was lucky enough to have him sit in on my Digital Page and Web Graphics class earlier that day where he joined in on our magazine redesign critique. As soon as he walked in, we were all surprised about how young he was, and minutes later found out the he never even went to college. As my first classmate showed her work, Chuck confessed that this was the first time that he had ever been in a college classroom, and witnessed a face-to-face crit. "I don't know if I could handle someone dishing out feedback about my work the way you guys do. The only criticism I've ever had to receive has been over the phone". It was incredible to see his talent later that night, doing professional work for a variety of companies such as Absolute Vodka, Burton Snowboards, Bank of America, and Reebok since he was 18. Now Chuck is only 25, and has firmly established himself as a graphic artist in the design industry. Prettttty imspriational! Take a look at his site.